Historic Minstrel Island Resort, a once popular venue |
We departed
Lagoon Cove by 11am via the narrow, short canal called “The Blow Hole” which runs
between Minstrel Island and E. Cracroft Island, its name is taken from the
strong westerly winds that sometimes blow through the opening. Fortunately we had light winds and passed by
the once famous Minstrel Island Resort, now vacant and abandoned except for the
dock used by owners of the property. The
resort and island is said to have been named after the traveling minstrel shows
that came to entertain when Union Steamships made regular stops here back in
the early 1900’s.
Whale seen in shallow Chatham Channel |
Once through “the blow
hole” we turned southeast down Chatham Channel, running against a 3-4 knot
current which was strongest at the channel’s narrowest point.
To our surprise we saw two whales passing
through the channel which has depths of only 30-40 feet of water, not much
space for these large creatures of the sea.
After rounding the south end of E. Cracroft Island, we turned down
Havannah Channel where the winds picked up to 12 knots with 2-3 foot chop and continued
to increase once we reached Johnston Strait having turned eastward once
Johnston Strait, the long, wide
body of water running between Vancouver Island and the Broughton Island Group
was kicking up choppy 4-5 foot seas created by current and 15 knot southwesterly
Sunderland Channel |
For better protection from the
wind, we entered Sunderland Channel and ran along the northern shore of Hardwicke
Island, arriving at the northeast end of Wellbore Channel and anchored in a
small cove to await favorable conditions for transiting “Whirlpool
After waiting for almost two
hours, we pulled up anchor and headed through the rapids in Wellbore Channel
which was moving at 4 knots creating small whirlpools.
Entrance to Whirlpool Rapids in Wellbore Channel |
Running with the current, our total speed
averaged 9.5 knots having reached 12 knots at one point.
Once through Whirlpool Rapids we motored
along the northeastern shore of W. Thurlow Island approaching the next set of
rapids called Greene Point Rapids.
As we
rounded W. Thurlow Island heading south, we entered Greene Point Rapids which
were relatively benign, pushing us along with a combined speed of between 9 and
10 knots.
Continuing around W. Thurlow
Island to the south side, we stopped at Blind Channel Marina for the
Blind Channel Resort on W. Thurlow Island |
Space at this popular marina in
the Broughton’s was full, but we had called ahead and were told we could moor
at the seaplane dock overnight since we would be leaving in the morning.
Blind Channel Resort & Marina is best
known for their excellent dinners served in the nice restaurant facilities, a
treat when boating in remote areas.
Blind Channel Resort, a popular stop in the Broughton's |
small grocery store and gift shop is also appreciated by boaters who visit this
family run marina and resort.
Our second
day of running the rapids began with our 9:40am departure from Blind Channel
Marina via Mayne Passage connecting up once again with Johnston Strait.
The winds were blowing 17 knots with typical
4-5 foot sea chop in the Strait and we were bucking a 2-3 knot current.
Chatham Point Lighthouse |
By 11am we rounded Chatham Point Lighthouse
entering Discovery Passage where the winds subsided to 6-10 knots with 1-2 foot
chop, but we had yet to transit Seymour Narrows.
The two-mile long Seymour Narrows often has
strong current depending on the season and the time of day; it’s safest to
transit the Narrows within a half hour of slack water.
It was noon and we were nearing Seymour
Narrows, too early to safely transit so we anchored in Elk Bay on the Vancouver
Island side of Discovery Passage to await better conditions.
It certainly wouldn’t be safe to attempt running
against a 9.9 knot current with minimal power and steerage!
After waiting over an hour, we left our anchorage
and headed towards the Narrows with a tug and barge in front of us.
The 2-3 knot current moving through Seymour
Narrows reduced our speed to between 5.2 knots and 6.3 knots as we made our way
through the churning water.
Campbell River, Home away from Home |
We arrived
at the town of Campbell River about an hour after transiting the Narrows and
tied-up at the Discovery Harbour docks; it seemed like we were almost home and like
so many towns we have come to know, Campbell River seemed like a home away from
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