Watching the Whales |
Tenakee Springs we exited Tenakee Inlet and continued south along Chatham
Strait. Several whales were seen just
outside Whitewater Bay near the Native village of Angoon. We slowed our progress hoping to capture
images of the activity.
Whale Sighting |
After our
encounter with the whales, we turned west into Frederick Sound then south along
Keku Strait where we anchored off the village of Kake, a predominately Tlingit
The name Kake is derived from
the Tlingit word keix, meaning the mouth of dawn or the opening of daylight.
It was in this area that tensions between
Kake residents and white settlers reached a climax following the purchase of
The U.S. Navy sent the gunboat
USS Saginaw to shell several villages
and destroy homes, boats, and stored food supplies; the incident became known
as the Kake War of 1869.
The trouble
began when Tlingit’s from Kake were visiting Sitka and were killed by a U.S.
soldier, the Army failed to acknowledge any wrongdoing or offer compensation.
The Kake Tlingit’s, adhering to Klingit law,
killed two non-Native trappers south of Sitka.
The Village of Kake |
The Kake area villages that were destroyed were never rebuilt but later
many of the Tlinkit's relocated and settled at the present site of Kake in 1890.
A government school and store were
constructed and missionaries soon followed.
A cannery was built at Kake around 1912 and operated until 1977.
The Keku Cannery was named in 1997 as a
National Historic Landmark and is being stabilized in hopes of becoming a
tourist destination.
Historic Keku Cannery |
The complex
includes 18 buildings out of approximately 21 that were built by the cannery’s
Positions of responsibility were
given to white men, lower-level menial tasks to immigrants from China and
elsewhere, while the Tlinket’s were employed to catch the fish.
Historic Keku Cannery |
The salmon fishery began to decline and the
cannery closed in 1946.
A Native
corporation purchased the cannery in 1949 but struggled due to the decline in
fish and the eventual ban on the use of fish traps, the Keku Cannery permanently closed in
Kake Totem |
Today, the Tlingit’s subsistence style
living from fishing and logging remains the cornerstone of the community along
with a cold storage plant that opened in the mid-1990’s.
Kake is best known by tourists for its 132.5
foot Totem Pole, one of the tallest in Alaska.
This one-piece totem was carved by the Chilkat’s in 1967 for Alaska’s
Kake is also known as a
departure point for the Tebenkof Bay
Kake Totem Pole |
Wilderness, a system of hundreds of
islands, inner bays, and coves.
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