Johnston Strait |
We left our anchorage in Forward Harbour at 8:30am on April 22
and made our way to Sunderland Channel and out to Johnston Strait.
Johnston Strait |
Winds in Johnston Strait varied from10-25 knots
with sea chop of 1-5 feet, manageable conditions for
Got d’ Fever.
Java at Play |
Java kept us entertained
by dropping her toy bone down the steps and watching her "masters" play
The seas subsided later that
afternoon as forecasted; and after 6 ½ hours of motoring, we arrived in Port
McNeill at North Island Marina.
following morning we picked up supplies, topped off with fuel, and filled the water
tank before heading across Queen Charlotte Strait, passing the attractive Graeme
Point Lighthouse.
Graeme Point Lighthouse |
We had patches of sun
with rain showers and 2-4 foot ocean swells abeam at 4-6 second intervals.
We changed our course slightly to dampen the
rocking motion and to avoid two Orca Whales who accompanied us for a short
distance before disappearing in the deep.
Orca Whale, Queen Charlotte Strait |
Another “three-hour tour” and we were across Queen Charlotte Strait making
the most of a weather window with favorable sea conditions.
Conditions were fairly consistent across the
Strait and improved when we neared Blunden Harbour, protected by mainland B.C.
from northwest winds.
We arrived around
2pm in this well protected bay and set the anchor.
Blunden Harbour (midden beach on left) |
Blunden Harbour consists of an inner bay and
outer bay – a midden beach is located on the north side of the inner bay, and in
the outer bay a Native cemetery with burial boxes is located on Byrnes Island.
Blunden Harbour |
These sacred areas belong to the Nakwoktak
Boaters often anchor in Blunden
Harbour to wait out weather before rounding Cape Caution, aptly named for its exposure to the Pacific Ocean.
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