Waterfall, Finlayson Channel |
We awoke to another cloudy, rainy day and after a hot cup of coffee and some
muffins, departed Bottleneck Inlet to continue north along Finlayson Channel
then through Hiekish Narrows and into Graham Reach.
It seems the summer weather of a week ago has
left us, at least temporarily; nevertheless, the channels and passage ways have
been a delight – Mother Nature is still beautiful even when she’s not revealing
her finest attire.
We have witnessed
granite cliffs, domed mountains, and beautiful waterfalls; watched eagles sore,
dolphins at play, and Orca transiting the waterways.
We have passed tugs with barges, tour boats
heading north for the season, and pleasure boats making their way to Southeast
Alaska and beyond.
Historic Butedale, a Scenic Location at Graham Reach/Fraser Reach |
Got d’ Fever and
Uno spent
the day traversing the calm, placid waterways and arrived at historic Butedale
at the intersection of Graham Reach and Fraser Reach.
Butedale, a once famous fish packing camp and
cannery of the early 1900’s, has deteriorated over the years; historic
buildings are collapsing and the docks and wharfs are in disrepair but that
should not stop boaters from visiting this fascinating place.
Ruins at Butedale |
Boaters may have read in guidebooks that this
location is closed for business, but the young caretaker, Cory Lindsay, is more
than happy to receive guests and help boaters with their lines.
Like others, we assumed Butedale was closed
but had planned to motor by for a gander at this historic location, when we saw
Cory standing on the dock anticipating our arrival we came in and tied-up.
Cory and his dog Buddy have lived alone at Butedale
for four years and appreciate having guests.
Warehouse Ruins at Butedale |
Living off the grid, Cory uses running water from the natural streams brought
down by a flume and uses a generator for electricity; food supplies are
delivered by boat every two to three weeks.
Visitors are welcome to walk around the ruins at their own risk and
tie-up at the dock; although the dock has missing planks and very few cleats
for tying-off, it still seems to be sturdy.
Pulley System |
Since the stairs and ramps to the dock have also collapsed, Cory
transports guests from the dock to shore, and back again with a pulley system
attached to a skiff - pull the line one way or the other, and you across over
the water to the other side.
The good
news is that this property was purchased by a private party in 2013 and Cory
tells us that the owner has some big plans, including installing substantial
docks and refurbishing some of the old buildings.
We were told that demolition on the buildings that are not being
restored will take place this summer and that new construction will begin the following
We hope it all comes to pass and
that the word spreads to “save and restore Butedale” back to its glory
You couldn’t ask for a better
location, surrounded by mountains with a gorgeous waterfall and strategically
located for boaters heading north and south along this major water route.
We decided to stay the night and were more than
happy to pay the suggested donation fee.
Friends Phil, Cory, and Uno |
We had arrived at Butedale around noon and our friends Phil and Uno
invited us over to their boat for an afternoon meal; Cory joined in as well,
bringing a video he created using historic photos of Butedale.
Cory also shared his excellent photography of
the area, again in video format with accompanying music, expertly done.
We so much appreciated the delicious dinner
and conversation with Phil and Uno, our first real opportunity to get better
Phil has a military background
and flew helicopters in various capacities.
Oh great, Leonard meets another pilot. Phil and his wife enjoy new adventures and have lived various walks of
life, including owning a guest lodge, and at one time, a laboratory in the
Aleutian Islands for testing water and other scientific research.
As we have said many times, you meet so many interesting
people when you are out boating.
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